The Diseases
Gestational diabetes – Woman becomes diabetic in the course of the pregnancy because the uterus and the baby are stealing all the chromium that she needs to maintain normal glucose control.
Endometriosis is the upstream iron loading pathology, and excess insulin sloshing around causes lesions, endometrial tissue to grow outside of the uterus.
Alzheimer’s – Two-thirds of Alzheimer’s sufferers are women. (Men usually die of heart disease first).
Multiple Sclerosis is a nine to one female disease and complicated by autoimmune weight issues involved in the pathology. There is a robust correlation between iron-loading and Multiple Sclerosis.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) – Eggs are not being released from the ovaries are uptaking excess iron. The result is a reduction in female hormones and fertilized cells that survive gestation. Essentially, women are sterile due to excess iron. The protocol relieves these symptoms within 60 to 90 days so that women can become fertile again.